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Pasco county clerk of court phone number P. N. East Pasco Government Center. Payments can be made partially or in-full, and you can apply for a payment plan using our online form. , was elected without opposition to her first, full term as Pasco County’s Clerk & Comptroller Mail your check or money order, made payable to Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller, to: Nikki Alvarez-Sowles Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller P. DATE: Plaintiff’s Signature Plaintiff’s Address Plaintiff’s daytime phone number Sworn to and subscribed before me on . Angie Guy, Master Municipal Clerk City Clerk Phone 352-523-5052 Fax 352-521-1422 aguy@dadecityfl. 50. 3. Pasco County Clerk of Circuit Court is located at 7530 Little Rd in New Port Richey, Florida 34654. Contact. Small Claims Court is less formal than other types of courts and parties usually represent themselves. The office is located across the street from the Judicial Center, inside Counsel Square at: 7619 Little Road To request records pertaining to Civil, Criminal, or Official Records, please contact Pasco County Clerk of Court:. Emergency Preparedness. Government . location new port richey, fl. com; Rep/Contact Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller. Served as a juror in Pasco County within the last 12 months. Judge Kimberly Sharpe Byrd West Pasco Judicial Center 7530 Little Road Room 214 New Port Richey, FL 34654 Room 214 (727) 847-8092. Street/Highway Speeding Violations – 10 to 14 miles over: $204. Phone: (352) 521-4489. full time regular. Options for paying criminal court financial obligations include online, by mail, by phone, or in person. This March and April, many of Florida’s Court Clerks and Comptrollers are providing customers with an opportunity to pay overdue court-ordered obligations, while saving in additional fees. 7530 Little Road New Port Richey, FL 34654 (727) 847-8199. The Clerk makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other linked sites. m. aspx. Phone: (727) 847-8962. You can search by name, case number, or date filed. Box 338 New Port Richey, FL 34656-0338. Passports West Pasco Judicial Center Room 216 (727) 847-8172. Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller Official Records document and forms library. Helpful information about the probate division of the Pasco County Clerk of Circuit Court located in Pasco County, FL. com Dade City, FL 33523-3805 In accordance with a recent amendment by the Florida Supreme Court, to Rule of Judicial Administration 2. If you have a suspended license and outstanding fines, Dependency, Circuit Civil, County, Small Claims Mediation and Arbitration: (727) 847-8903. 00 - $26. Local Administrative Order 2016-18 Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller Office Hours: 8:30 a. Employment. (Insert name of Tenant) Defendant(s) MOTION FOR CLERK $1' &203752//(5’S DEFAULT RESIDENTIAL EVICTION. Government Websites by CivicPlus® Get In Line Online. Injunction $40. Office Hours. Administration & Funding. County Court. Searching is free but there is a charge for records requested. Seat-Belt Violations: $114. Phone: (352) 521-4542, Option 1 Toll Free: (800) 368-2411, Ext. DIVISION As Clerk of the Court By:_ Deputy Clerk Plaintiff/Attorney Address Phone Number . ET Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller. Phone: (352) 521-4542, option 3 Toll Free: (800) 368-2411, ext. Box 338 New Port Richey, FL 34656-0338 Access Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller reports regarding finance, courts, tax deeds, and more. 60 hourly. 7530 Little Road New Port Richey, FL 34654 Find information on Pasco County Tax Deed Auctions, including how to register for and use the RealAuction. job type. Franklin Court Services ; E-Services ; Comptroller Services ; Records ; How Do I ? Home; Court Services; Jury Services; Additional Jury Information; Additional Jury Information Additional Assistance ; Amenities; Attire; Bus Service; Compensation; Electronic Devices; Parking; Reasonable Accommodations; Restoration of Civil Rights; Security; Term of Service; Using a bank-issued debit or credit card contact our customer service at either of the following numbers Monday through Friday, 8:30 a. You may reschedule your jury service date if needed. East Pasco County Court Robert D. 01/10/2025. , New Port Richey, FL 34654 (727) 847-8155 – Map : Public Works IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR PASCO COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO Plaintiff(s) vs. However, if your Trial Courts - County. Dade City Clerk of Court. job number. Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Attn: Public Records Liaison 315 Court Street, Room 400 Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: (727) 464-3341 Email: clerkinfo For your convenience, the Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller is offering electronic certified Court and Official Record Documents. East Pasco: (352) 518-4008; West Pasco: (727) 847-8190; Pinellas County Clerk of Court – (727) 464-7000. 38053 Live Oak Ave. Court FS. 38053 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 207 Dade City, FL 33523-3805. Risk Protection Orders. $124. 4542 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. 4542 Robert D. Title: UNLAWFUL DETAINER (not Eviction) Author: Susan Miles Whitaker Subject : Unlawful Detainer Packet Keywords: Unlawful Detainer Packet Created Date: Fines and court costs may be paid in cash directly to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Phone: (352) 521-4274. 38053 Live Oak Avenue Dade City, FL 33523-3805. Court Technology . N/A. ET East Pasco Government Center. 1 Toll Free: (800) 368-2411, Ext. Box 338 New Port Richey, FL The Pasco County Clerk of Court and County Comptroller (Clerk) presents the information on this website as a service to the public. Hernando County Court Hernando County Courthouse, 20 North Main Street 11. 38053 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 210 Dade City, FL 33523-3805. Box 338, New Port Richey, FL 34654-0338 Board Records. 4542 Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller. ET Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller Small Claims Filing Guidelines 1. Resources & Services. View the contact information for the judges and Court Administration in Pasco County. Include the full case number, and, when applicable, indicate the East Pasco Records Retention Facility. Did you know that the Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller's Office runs a Legal Resource Center in both of Pasco County's Judicial Centers? Visit one of our locations or browse the online Legal Resource Center to obtain pro se court About Pasco County Clerk of Circuit Court. 14236 6th Street, Suite 201 Dade City, FL 33523-3414. 901(1), Florida Statutes for The Clerk & Comptroller maintains the official payment records for Pasco County domestic-relations support and alimony cases. 119. $19. Toggle navigation. com FUNCTION AND DUTIES Phone Number . ET . Florida Putative Father Records requests made concerning the administration of non-court information should be directed to the Public Records Liaison, in accordance with County Policy. An official swearing-in took place East Pasco Government Center. gov; Probate Court Records - Room 106 (727) 464-3321 probate@mypinellasclerk. Operation Green Light will help customers save money and get back on the road. Order to Show Cause $40. flsa. Pursuant to Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2. Pinellas County Clerk of Court – Injunction Info (includes forms, instructions and video) – (727) 464-7000. Learn how to make a payment or enforce court-ordered child support in Pasco County. Download the E-Certify Customer User Guide for step-by-step instructions. ET County Clerk . Under prosecution for any crime. Please make checks payable to Nikki Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Franklin County info. The Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller is a constitutional officer (the Office was established by the Florida Constitution) directly elected by and accountable to the citizens of Pasco County while acting as the public trustee responsible for safeguarding public records and public funds and Telephone Numbers and Addresses: Pinellas County Clerk of Court Pinellas County Resource Manual; Pasco County Resource Manual . Appeals. This fee shall pasco county clerk & comptroller records clerk i - civil circuit-county npr 1267. Said fee shall be calculated as 4% of each support payment, not to exceed $5. Where is the Felony Probation Office located? In west Pasco County, please contact the Felony Probation Office by calling 727-841-4131. IN AND FOR PASCO COUNTY, FLORIDA. 38053 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 205 Dade City, FL 33523-3805. Out-of-State Attorneys. CASH BOND REFUND REQUEST FORM. civil circuit-county npr. You can request court records from the County Clerk of Circuit Court for most court records, with the exception of US District Court Pasco County: Clerk of the Circuit Court : New Port Richey Dade City; Administrative Offices (727) 847-8031 (352) 523-2411 Extension 8031 . 315 Court Street Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: (727) 464-7000. salary. Juror Information. 7530 Little Road, New Port Richey, FL 34654. 420, “the clerk will not be required to identify and designate information as Pasco County Courts. 1/16/2025 11:59 pm eastern. 0 mile away. 741. 30, F. Assessing accuracy Experience a comprehensive aggregation of Pasco County Court records, granting direct access to public court information from Pasco County in the Sixth Judicial Circuit Court in Florida. A printout of your payment history may be obtained from the Clerk & Comptroller at a fee of $1 per page. 668. Phone Numbers. 2218; Payment History. O. You can also use the online contact form or check the office Contact the Jury Services Division. Unified Family Court - Pinellas County. 733. Phone: 509-545-3593. Phone: Criminal Court Financial Obligation Options. Smith - JSmith@jud6. Directions Physical Address: View Map. SITE MAP. Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order SC14-01 . Services. com Dade City, FL 33523-3805 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF CASE: DIVISION: CASE MAINTENANCE REFERENCE GUIDE FOR FORMAL ADMINISTRATION PETITION FOR FORMAL ADMINISTRATION F. Phone: 509-545-3491. 2221- Electronic access to official records, effective July 1, 2024, requires each county recorder or clerk of the court to make publicly available on their official website the identity as well as the fact that a final judgment for an injunction for the protection of a minor under F. com website. com Nancy M. 8731 Citizens Drive, Suite 220 New Port Richey, FL 34654-5572. Phone: (727) 847-8031, Option 3 Toll Free: (800) 368-2411, Ext. Monday through Friday 8 am to 12 pm 1 pm to 4:00 pm. Child Support (727) 847-2411 Extension 2218 Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller Office Hours: 8:30 a. Box 338 (727) 847-8199 38053 Live Oak Ave New Port Richey, FL 34656-0338 www. day of , Office of Nikki Alvarez-Sowles, Esq. Not a U. com Ma-Anna Harris Deputy City Clerk Phone 352-523-5052 mharris@dadecityfl. to 5 p. parties along with the appropriate number of copies and self-addressed stamped envelopes. com Robert D. 2. QUICK LINKS. u _____ _____ Title: CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Author: PAT RICHARDSON Created Date: 10/21/2008 4:15:18 PM The Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller provides public access to records using the links available on this page. Franklin Not responsible for translated content A small claims case is a legal action filed in County Court to settle a claim or minor legal dispute in which demand for monies or the value of property does not exceed $8,000, excluding costs, interest, and attorneys' fees. 0485 has been entered against that East Pasco Records Retention Facility. Pasco County Clerk of Circuit Court can be contacted via phone at 352-521-4274 for pricing, hours and directions. 14236 6th Street, Suite 201 Dade City, FL 33523-3814. West Pasco County Judicial Center. Contact the Child Support Division to determine the number of pages for your case. Official Records Search. 4542 County Clerk . 8902 Government Drive New Port Richey, FL 34654-5555. Notice $40. department. , Clearwater, FL 33762 (727) 464-6516 – Map – East Pasco County Robert D. 784. When requesting a postponement online, select a Monday that is at least 30 days but no later than six months after your original summons Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller Office Hours: 8:30 a. SAFE (Rape Crisis) – (727 Robert D. opening date. Fees & Pursuant to Administrative Order 2023-016 PA/PI-CIR (PDF) regarding Court-appointed attorney standards and due-process costs, the Office of the Clerk & Comptroller was directed to publish the names and phone numbers of points-of-contact for attorneys to notify about changes in phone number(s), availability, or status. Official Records Form Center. 011, or legislative entity that operates a website and uses electronic mail shall post the following statement in a conspicuous location on its website. Postponement. 202 and Rule Pasco County Clerk of Court . The Official Records system contains Pasco County deeds, mortgages, court documents, and more. Phone: (352) 521-4542, option 4 Toll Free: (800) 368-2411, ext. 286 provides, “ Notwithstanding s. Traffic Citation Options. Include a copy of the citation and indicate the citation number on the check or money order. Sumner Judicial Center 38053 Live Oak Avenue Dade City, Florida 33523 West Pasco Judicial Center 7530 Little Road Phone Number. 14250 49th St. East Pasco Records Retention Facility 38319 McDonald Street Dade City, FL 33525 Directions: East Pasco Government Center 14236 6th Street Dade City, FL 33523 Directions: Hearings; Jury duty further asks this court to award plaintiff the costs of this action, including reasonable attorney fees. 4542 Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller Office Hours: 8:30 a. Superior Court Records . Support for Attorneys of Record with questions regarding their subscription can be accessed by calling (352) 521-4542. Courts. Personal out-of-state checks are not accepted. Below are the courthouse addresses in Pasco County: Robert D. Each electronic certified document uses advanced encryption features to produce a tamper-proof electronic County number (Pasco is 51) Name of custodial parent; Name and Social Security number of person making payment; Pasco County case number; Pursuant to Florida Statute 61. 1016 N 4th Avenue B306 Pasco, WA 99301. The Sixth Judicial Circuit Unified Family Court in Pinellas County is made up of 4 Judges, one General Magistrate, a behavioral evaluations program, and a juvenile arbitration program. The amount of support, frequency of payment (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc), beginning date of payments, and the payment recipient are determined by order of the Court. Jury Reporting call-in: 509-537-0112 Clerk Invoices; County Audit Reports; Doing Business with the Clerk's Office; Clerk Financial Reports; County Financial Reports; Payment Options. Jury Management. 1 miles away. After approval of a user’s registration request, the Clerk will notify the Find the phone number of the Pasco County Clerk of Court and other contact information for the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida. $227. Sumner Judicial Center 38053 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 124 Dade City, FL 33523 All Mediations (Family, Dependency, Circuit Civil, County, Small Claims) and Arbitration: (352) 521-4378 Fax: (352) 521-4118 Welcome to the Office of Nikki Alvarez-Sowles, Clerk & Comptroller for Pasco County, Florida. Lopez City Clerk Staff Assistant Phone 352-523-5050 x421 nlopez@dadecityfl. Notice to Depositor: Florida State Statute 903. closing date. Other: Review date: Court transfer date: Reply To: Pasco County Courthouse 38053 Live Oak Avenue, Dade City, FL 33523-3894 Phone: (352) 521-4506 West Pasco Judicial Center P. COPYRIGHT NOTICES. Motion $40. 8031. —Any agency, as defined in s. Return to Staff Directory. Phone: (352) 521-4542, Option 3 Toll Free: (800) 368-2411, Ext. became the eighth person to serve as Clerk of Circuit Court & County Comptroller for Pasco County in 2019. , Dade City, FL 33523 (352) 521-438 – Map – West Pasco County Judicial Center 7530 Little Rd. The circuit is comprised of two county courts, which have jurisdiction only in their home county, and a circuit court, with jurisdiction in both counties. Circuit/County Civil Court Records - Room 170; Family/Child Support (727) 464-7000 circuitcivil@mypinellasclerk. The Legal Resource Center provides common court form packets and instructions. Such wills are of individuals believed to be deceased whose wills are not accompanied by the information required by Chapter 732. Jack Albert Records Retention Facility. $247. Court Services. 7530 Little Road Suite 106 New Port Richey FL 34654 (727) 847-8199 (727) 847-8121; www. Categories. salary . The amount of your Small Claim Case must be in a dollar amount from $1 to $8,000. East Pasco Mediation Cases Robert D. 1 miles away East Pasco Government Center. Pinellas County Justice Center. Attorneys can contact: Julie Hancock (727) 847-2411, Ext. citizen. In many cases, an income-deduction order is entered and the employer Florida Courts E-Filing Authority Board . Phone: (352) 521-4408. The Sixth Judicial Circuit serves citizens of Pasco and Pinellas counties. non-exempt. Filing Fees: Payment must be cash, credit card, money order or cashier's check, or personal check drawn on a bank within the State of Florida. Fee for the Service of Process. East Pasco County Robert D. 181, the State Disbursement Unit shall, on each payment received, collect a fee. West Pasco Judicial Center . Street/Highway Speeding Violations – 30 plus Court Operations: Archived and Court Records: Non-Court Operations: Robert D. Case No. Child Support. 6076 Public records status of e-mail addresses; agency website notice. 38053 Live Oak Avenue Dade City, FL 33523-3805 The Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller’s Office has been accepting electronic documents through the E-Filing Portal since April 1, 2013, in the following areas according to Florida Supreme Court Order 11SC-399 (Revision October 18, 2012) and Administrative Order 2020-018 (PDF): Circuit civil; County civil Nearby Courts: Pasco County Court 38053 Live Oak Avenue 0. District Court Records . Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller (seal) By: Deputy Clerk 2 Nonresident of Pasco County. 509-545-3525. Judge Lauralee G. Box 338 New Port Richey, FL 34656-0338 Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller Office Hours: 8:30 a. 4542 IN THE CIRCUIT/COUNTY COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PASCO COUNTY, FLORIDA In the Interest of Case Number: SPN: APPLICATION FOR DETERMINATION OF CIVIL INDIGENT STATUS (Dependency and Termination of Parental Rights cases) Notice to Applicant: You must pay an application fee of $50. 00 and if you qualify East Pasco Government Center. $186. Monday through Friday 9 am to 12 pm 1 pm to 3:30 pm. 38053 Live Oak Avenue Dade City, FL 33523-3805 East Pasco Government Center. Elections. All juvenile We'll give you location information for the Clerk of Courts in Pasco County, FL such as phone number, address, hours, and more! Simply click on the state. ET, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays . Courts in Pasco County. Street/Highway Speeding Violations – 20 to 29 miles over: $279. Contact the Traffic Court in Pasco County. The Clerk has tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. Contacting the Judge’s Office: Please remember that the Judicial An amendment to F. Fax: (727) 815-7085. ET, Monday through Friday, Esq. 31(2), the clerk of the court shall withhold from the return of a cash bond posted on behalf of a criminal defendant by a person other than a bail bond agent licensed pursuant to chapter 648 sufficient funds to pay – Pinellas County Justice Center 14250 49th St. Open the Court Services page. Meetings & Agendas. location new port Pasco County Clerk of Court . : Section: (Insert name of Landlord) Plaintiff(s), vs. Circuit Court Looking for Pasco County Clerk records & marriage licenses? Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (New Port Richey, FL). Westine West Pasco Judicial Center 7530 Little Road Room 316 New Port Richey, FL 34654 (727) 847-8095. Latest News Visit the News Center Meet Clerk Crist 1/9/2025 2:03:00 PM In an afternoon ceremony, Victor D. Dade City, FL 33523 (352) 521-4333. Education & Outreach. Examples of available reports: weekly payment registers for the Board of County Commissioners, monthly court case totals seen by the court, tax deed surplus listings, etc. 510, an out-of-state attorney wishing to appear in a Florida case must be granted permission by the Court where the case is pending by filing a Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice (PHV). ET, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. pascoclerk. Change of Address. Judiciary Education. Jury Services IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. CONTACT US. A lawyer with experience in the efficient, effective operations of public institutions, Nikki Alvarez-Sowles, Esq. Learn more 9. Connect With Us. Phone Number Pasco Municipal Court Records . Certified records are available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Office of Nikki Alvarez-Sowles, Esq. Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order SC 09-30 . 38053 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 104 Dade City, FL 33523-3805. 4542. Enforcement. By: Depty Clerk . 4542 Phone: (352) 521-4542, Option 3 Toll Free: (800) 368-2411, Ext. gov; Official Records - Room 163 (727) 464-7000 recording@mypinellasclerk. Street/Highway Speeding Violations – 6 to 9 miles over : $129. Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order SC 09-3 . Alternative Dispute Resolution. to made payable to Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller, to: Nikki Alvarez-Sowles Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller P. 38053 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 112 Dade City, FL 33523-3805. Phone: (352) 521-4542, option 1 Toll Free: (800) 368-2411, ext. Find the phone numbers and office locations of the Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller and its departments and divisions. Pay civil penalties online or request a payment plan. Sumner Judicial Center 38053 Live Oak Avenue Dade City, FL 33523 Directions. PO Box 17500 Clearwater, FL 33762-0500. The Dade City Clerk of Court is the official record keeper of all court Register and E-File documents using the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal. Florida Supreme Court Standards for Electronic Access to the Courts . Office of Family Courts. Franklin County Superior Court in Pasco, WA - Court Information County-Courthouse . Mailing Address: P. org Conference/Hearing Line 352-218-6739 Practice Preferences 1. TEAMMATES /QuickLinks. Florida Probate Clerk. Passport Acceptance Hours. Clearwater, FL 33762 (727) 464-6221. Pasco. Box 338, New Port Richey, FL 34656-0338 Phone: (727) 847-8186 Telephone: (352) 523-2411 or (727) 847-2411; ask for the Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller’s Public Records Liaison Mail: Public Records Liaison, P. Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller. Street/Highway Speeding Violations – 15 to 19 miles over: $254. Sumner Judicial Center 38053 Live Oak Ave. 01267. Sworn and subscribed to before me this . Home; What is a Clerk of Court? Contact; Dade City Clerk of Court Home > Florida > Dade City Clerk of Court. gov East Pasco: (352) 521-4542, Option 5; West Pasco: (727) 847-8031, Option 5; All Other Areas: (800) 368-2411 Ext. A copy of the motion must be sent to The Florida Mandatory court. Phone: (352) 521-4542, Opt. Court Interpreting. Find Us. The circuit serves Pinellas and Pasco counties and offers Visit Court Website Visit Clerk Website Jury Duty Page Get Directions List All Locations. Sumner Judicial Center. 903. 046, or F. Final Judgement are recorded and are available in the Official Record online at Pasco Clerk/Official Records; For more information on how to view court files at the courthouse, hours, and locations: Pasco Clerk/Court Services If you can't find records online, please Landlord/Tenant Issues and Evictions: Please review the information on the website of the Pasco County Clerk of the Circuit Court, please contact the Pasco Clerk of the Court, Probate Division at (727) 847-2411. West Pasco Government Center. 38319 McDonald Street Dade City, FL 33525. Type of Service (individual cost) Summons and Complaint $40. Fifth Circuit Hernando County Hernando County Courthouse, 20 North Main Street 11. Payments received after the due date, regardless of postmark, incur David Edward Olson (2008), the Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court was directed to hold certain original wills for safekeeping. If a document recorded in your name is fraudulent, call the Pasco County Sheriff's Office non-emergency phone number 727-847-8102. civil courts. Office of Problem-Solving Courts. In Florida, trial courts of general jurisdiction are aligned in 20 circuits. Pasco County residents are served by Florida's 6th Judicial Circuit, which consists of circuit and county courts. Pasco County Probate & Guardianship Division 7530 Little Road, Room 316, New Port Richey, Florida 34654 Hearing Room 2H (NPR) and Video Advisory Room (DC) 727-847-8095 (Phone) Judicial Assistant: Jessica L. Notify Me® Report a Concern. Fees & Costs; Florida Appellate Case Information System ; Attorney of Record Access; Civil. Robert D. DISCLAIMERS. . Box 338 New Port Richey, FL 34656-0338 Florida court documents, judgments, liens, probate records and other types of county records can be found online. Crist took the Oath as Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller for Hillsborough County, FL. 25. S. Passport and marriage license applications are accepted until 4:00 p. Mailing Address: 38053 Live Oak Avenue Dade City, FL 33523-3805. You can also contact them by calling 727-847-2411. Mailing Address. Plaintiff(s) asks the Clerk and Comptroller to enter a default against (Insert name of Tenant About The Operation Green Light 2025 Events . Module Search Enter Search Terms Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller P. Phone: (727) 847-8086. Our user-friendly Smart Search allows for a seamless way to find court cases and case summaries using variables such as case number, name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller Office Hours: 8:30 a. 7530 Little Road, Suite 105 New Port Richey, FL 34654-5598. Plaintiff(s) asks the Clerk and Comptroller to enter a default against (Insert name of Tenant) , Pasco County Clerk & Comptroller P. Main Phone (727) 464-6221. Prisoner Release (Probation & Parole Tallahassee) – (877) 884-2846. 28. Box 338 New Port Richey, FL 34656-0338 Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida. division. ltcrcwg sqah ynwfyyq gdlt vttfos hvyh gjse iqqp qrzc yahuap ycmrpm tcxw smyvzw etx qmna